Press release: Five Years Since MDN Arbitrarily De-registered.
Maldives must heed the UN and reinstate MDN We have now passed the five-year mark since the Maldivian Democracy Network (MDN) was arbitrarily de-registered and
Maldives: United Nations body demand reinstatement of Maldivian Democracy Network
The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the Maldivian Democracy Network (MDN) welcome the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Committee’s (CCPR’s) recommendations to the
Joint press release: Maldives police should scrap plan to use taser guns.
We, the undersigned organisations, call on the government of the Maldives to immediately halt preparations for the Maldives Police Service (MPS) to be issued Taser
Press release: Maldivian Democracy Network – three years to arbitrary de-registration, no accountability (Eng)
Maldives, 19 December 2022 Today marks three years since the government of Maldives arbitrarily cancelled our registration and launched a baseless, politically motivated investigation for
Press Release: A misery prolonged – Rilwan’s family deprived of justice for eight years (Dhiv)
ނޫސްބަޔާން އޮގަސްޓް 8 ,2022 ދިގުދެމިގެންވާ އަނިޔާއެއް – ރިލްވާންގެ އާއިލާއަށް 8 އަހަރުދުވަހުންވެސް އިންސާފު ނުލިބުނު އަނިޔާވެރި ގޮތަކަށް އަޙްމަދު ރިލްވާން އަބްދުﷲ ގެއްލުވައިލައި، އޭނާގެ އާއިލާ އާއި ރަހުމަތްތެރިންގެ ކިބައިން ރަހީނުކުރިތާ
Press Release: A misery prolonged – Rilwan’s family deprived of justice for eight years (Eng)
Maldives, 8 August 2022 It has been eight years since journalist, human rights defender, and blogger, Ahmed Rilwan Abdullah, was violently taken from his family